The Upper Falls Covered Bridge option adds 0.7 miles to the days ride.S. Woodstock > Reading > Perkinsville > N. Springfield > Springfield > Chester
The Inn at Cranberry Farm, Chester, VT
Hosts: Carl Follo and Pam Beecher
Nice views from the Dam.
Bonnie, crossing the Dam.
"Jenne Farm Road"
An extremely beatufiful side trip on the back-side of Reading Hill.
The movie Forrest Gump was filmed here.
Laura and Bonnie and a view of Jenne Farm,
one of the
most photographed scenes in Vermont.
Jenne Farm
Lamas, anyone?.
Laura stops for hot chocolate at Shaughnessy's Reading Country Store.
View from the Upper Falls Covered Bridge.
Can you spot us in this shadow picture?
The reds appear today.
A closer look.
And closer still.
Red, my favorite.
A nice quiet road.
Laura finds her Christmas tree.
John, Pat and Laura tackle a steep one.
Colorful Birch and Maple Trees to look at while we climb.
You have to see the humor in climbing a hill this steep.
Bonnie, takes a breather.
The Cemetery in Chester, VT.
Note: The date on this tombstone; 1847
Church in Chester, VT.
Ah, orange.
Nice photo.
One of my personal favorites.
Favorite barn.
Bartonsville Covered Bridge (1870).
John & Jeris and Anna & Jim Ferguson.