40 murals grace the sides of buildings
around town.
These are a few of my favorites.
Rare Resident-Florida Panther
There are only 30 to 50 panthers alive in the wild - our most endangered species in Florida.
Litters are one to four kittens and they are ready to live on their own at two years of age.
Favorite foods: white-tailed deer, wild hog, raccoons, armadillos, and cotton-tailed rabbits.
Istokpoga means "many men died here".
Two Seminole Indians, each in a different century of dress, are hunting the gigantic alligator.
Behind the Great Blue Heron a thunderstorm is approaching, making the lake dangerous.
Train Depot
Dr. Melvil Dewey talked the Atlantic Coastline R.R. into building this new depot in 1926.
These days South Central Florida Express freight trains regularly pass through town.
The depot is on the National Historic Registry and home to the Lake Placid Historical Society.
Citrus Heritage
The Spaniards brought oranges to Florida shores and shared them with the Indians and settlers.
Prairie Dwellers
Wild hogs and Southern white-tailed deer are some of the animals that live harmoniously on the prairies near Lake Placid.
Caladium Fields
Lake Placid is the Caladium Capitol of the World where 95% of the world's caladiums grow.
Annual Caladium Festival draws thousands of people to see the acres of color in the fields.
This 60' x 30' mural, sponsored by Happiness Farms, is located at Lockhart Service Center on Interlake Blvd.
The artist is Tom Freeman.
Scrub Jay Mural
Florida scrub jays are on the federal endangered list and live only in the scrub oak.
These jays are very friendly & will beg peanuts by sitting on your hand, head or shoulder.
Only the established breeding pair mates; all others help raise the offspring.
Sandhill Cranes Dawn Patrol
Sandhill cranes reside here in our area of Florida year round.
They nest in and around water and they also enjoy our improved pasture lands.
Sandhills are a beautiful gray bird and noted for their red cap of feathers.
Lost Cub
Lake Placid was once the best bear hunting territory in the country.
The bears had plenty of berries, acorns, yellow jacket and bee nests and they grew fat.
Even the trash containers have color and style.
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