Bicycle Safari

Day 4 - (44/52/62 Miles) - Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cherry Lake to Quitman, GA

Connie and Bonnie at SAG Stop Blue, 10am - 1pm.

Marvin and Joyce Norin.

Our rest stop came complete with a lot of shade trees.

Quitman, GA.

This building circa January 21st 1898.

Each town has its own courthouse.

Self timer photo with Connie and Gerogia.
These ladies showed me around town and then I rode back to Cherry Lake which wound up being further than I thought.

The ride back had almost no traffic, no people and no livestock. Just miles and miles of big trees and green fields.

And some interesting dead trees too.

Favorite T-shirt.
The Tour Of the Scioto River Valley. Serving Size 210 miles.

The proud wearer shows me the front.

Always a sense of humor.

Gilbert plays his drum.

And then demonstrates his "hollow log drum", an Aboriginal instrument.

Joyce, Marvin, Alice and others gather around to listen and watch.

A crowd gathers while the sun sets.

One last photo before turning in.

This big scary storm rolled in - serious wind, broken tree limbs and lots of water - thankfully I was safe inside cabin #5.

Take me to Day 5.
© 2009 Bonnie L. Hammer. All rights reserved.