Saturday, December 10th,
Start at Potter Park, ride east across
Clark to Hummingbird Lane, ride around Twin Lakes, ride around Tatum Ridge Golf
Community and Leewynn area roads, ride in communities
along Honore, Bee Ridge and Proctor. 42.17 miles with
victory loop in Stoneybrook.
20+ Rider turnout for initial start at
Larry leans, Lois smiles in the background and
Larry in action, Charlie to the left, Lois behind him,
Yarnall in turquoise and red and Ron in green.
We rode down
Another silly mailbox.
The group on
Arthur zooms ahead on his new fixed speed road bike.
A few cows at the corner of
Our fearless leaders: Charlie, Kees and Arthur at the gas station on
Arthur and his new wheels.
Yarnall rounds the bend, while some Sand Hill Cranes walk in the background.
A closer look.
I love these guys, they are my favorite,
besides the alligators.
I actually lost the group when I stopped to take this photo. It was too good to
pass up.
I love to zoom ahead just so I can get photos like these.
Here comes Yarnall, Kees, Mike, Jerry, and Gina and Gary who were off to the
right were there too.
A better view of the group reveals, Ken, Gina, Gary and Lois.
Waiting for the light: Kees, Charlie, Yarnall and Larry.
Gary and Ron wait too.
Jerry, Gina and Ken make the next light and ride south on Honore.
Lunch at
Mike, Bonnie,
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